Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Glenda's Fear

Glenda's Fear

For many years I had, what I labeled, an incurable, unrealistic fear of the dentist. It wasn't a fear obtained through a horrible incident. For me, it was an imagined, "what if" fear. I didn't like having "NO CONTROL" over the dentist's actions. My mind said "What if his instrument slipped and it hit my nasal passage, or worse yet, my brain? What if I had a heart attack from my fear? Would he be able to save me? What if they didn't numb me enough? What if I felt pain?" I used to joke that I'd rather give birth on the floor in the middle of a huge, unknown crowd rather than go to the dentist. Next there were the noises and smells. I didn't want to hear the "whir" of an instrument. I couldn't stand the antiseptic smell. How would I truly know if the instruments were sterilized? My mind just went into a frenzied state. I just plain did NOT like going to the dentist.

So, over the years I had issues which ultimately led to a gap in my smile. I had a temporary "flipper" but wanted a "real" tooth in its place. I covered my mouth when I smiled, didn't like the feel of this foreign object in my mouth and wanted my smile back. I began researching dental implants and really loved the idea. I got up the nerve to, at least, go in for a complimentary exam. My heart was racing. The thought of even sitting in the chair gave me great anxiety. I chose Dr. Hamblin because he did offer sedation dentistry. I called Becky, his receptionist, who is wonderfully supportive and caring! His entire staff is very caring and supportive of each patient.

I expressed my fears and unrealistic concerns to Dr. Hamblin and he assured me that he would make me as comfortable as I needed to be to have the implant. He didn't underscore my fears. He and his staff guided me through each and every step of the implant. I chose the sedation more from fear and anxiety than anything else. On the day of the start of the procedure I was still panicky and scared. His assistant gave me another "pill" shortly before the procedure and the next thing I knew my sister-in-law was calling me to check in on me after she had brought me home. Becky called to check on me the same day. I had very minimal pain and had the necessary medication in case it was too awful.

Dr. Hamblin and his staff have helped me release most of my fears of the dentist and I am proud and happy to say I can go for a cleaning without any medication and a minimal amount of fear. "Thank you" seem like such simple words but they are deep from my heart to Dr. H and his staff! Thank you, thank you, thank you!